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Showing posts from January, 2016

The Next Scary Step in Human Evolution

Evolution is the law of nature. The complex intelligent human being that we are now was once just an organism with a length of 1 micron. Then it became a  multi-cellular  marine organism. Then to land. Step by step we become what we are today. Evolution is inevitable, the only question is, what next? Mechanical Beings. Yes, you heard me right. Mechanical Beings like what you saw in the science fiction movie Transformers. Machines with intelligence, artificial intelligence. AI is actually giving conscience to machines. The ability to think. In this context what is the difference between a human and a robots with AI? We human beings are nothing but machines made from biodegradable materials. When we study the anatomy of human body we will understand that we are nothing but machines which are able to dream and think. So machines which can think are people with body from a different material. Tech companies will create AI and these AIs will be the next operating systems. The