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The Ram ,We Never Understands

What is the most melancholic sequence from Ramayana? There would actually be no one opposing an answer that it is the time when Ram decides to leave Sita with Guru Valmiki in the forest. This is the most controversial twist in the story of Ram. He is considered as the Maryada Purushotham and yet he behaved like this. There has always been some detonating debates on this topic and still they are going on.

Most people believe that Ram violated the sacred vow that every groom takes while marrying his bride, that he shall protect her with heart and soul till he takes in his last breath. We know who Ram was, we know how he sacredly he dealt with promises. He even went to the Jungle to save his father’s words, he battled with the world’s largest army and world’s strongest king to win back his wife. Yet after living all his life as a perfect gentleman he leaves his pregnant wife in the forest. This final act made the most loved Indian prince an unwelcome person.

‘The unwelcomeness that surrounds him is his greatness’. That is the true fact that make him the real Maryada Purushotham.

Right from the first place Ram never doubted Sita. When Vibhishan (Ravan’s elder brother and Ram’s devotee) guided Sita to Ram after the war there was hush in the army because Sita was in Ravan’s custody for over an year. Ram replied to this hush by ordering Sita to prove her purity in the fire. Ram was able to order it without any dilemma because he had that much confidence in Sita. Sita proved Ram right. She was as pure as the fire itself. This increased Sita’s popularity among his army men and Ram was proud of this fact.

Ram’s controversial behaviour in Ayodhya was the backlash of a rumour in his kingdom that Ram himself heard from a dhobi (washer man) that questions Sita’s purity. Ram was drenched in sorrow as he never wanted to hear such an allegation against him or his love. This was the point in time that Ram showed his real character. He upheld both Raj Dharma and Pati Dharma.

Ram clearly had four choices to choose from

1)   * He can tell Sita to perform an Agni Priksha once more to prove her.

2)    *He can council his countrymen and make them believe the truth

3)    *He can ignore everything being that is being said.

4)   * He can leave his wife

Requesting Sita to perform a second Agni Pariksha was the worst thing he can do. It would be like insulting lady Sita. A man who has vowed to protect his wife would consider suicide to insulting his wife.

To council his countrymen about his wife is as bad as anything. It would bring the idea of Sita to public debate. It will bring uttermost mockery to his beloved wife.

He can ignore all the rumours in his kingdom. Rumours will continue to prevail and it will mount day by day bringing in dishonour to his wife. Dishonoured wife is against Pati Dharma which will force him to supress his people by force and by doing this he will break the Raj Dharma.

So Ram found the last option that he had to be the best one. He left his wife in the forest. By doing this he was able to turn the attention of people from Sita’s purity to Ram’s pride. He made himself the bad bishop. He carried the bad name with him so that his most loved wife will be remembered as what she really was. Ram made himself bad so that Sita looks good thus he fulfilled his Pati Dharma.

‘‘The unwelcomeness that surrounds him is his greatness’’


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