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Showing posts from 2021

The Post Which I Wish No One Would See

I am pretty sure she remembered me on my birthday just like I remembered on hers. It's been a year exactly since we had broken up. But there had been not a single day without me remembering her. The best thing about love is that you tend to value it more once you lose it. It was not her fault, nor mine that we had to split, all the time that I had spent with her over the years, I had never thought that I would move away from her.  Even now, while thinking of her, while writing this piece of my mind in here, I can't control myself. Tears are rolling down my cheeks like it was just yesterday that I had to bid her adieu.  My world would never be the same without her, my life is never the same without her but I have to move out, I have to move away, I have to be the farthest from her so that I won't hurt her again.