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1. Reverberating Silence

The seats in the lounge of Vijayawada Railway Station were cold. Its been raining heavily for days . A well built station, now serving as the capital city station to Andhra Pradesh. He usually finds interest in these sort of architectural wonders but not today. His mind was pre occupied with some other thoughts. He checked his watch, still has enough time till his next train arrives. He decided to take a stroll. 
The gigantic railway station had 18 platforms all well maintained, he was on platform 6. He was walking close to the IRCTC canteen. The pleasing aroma of Masala Dosa marched into his nose. Cold weather and hot masala dosa he thought. There was no hesitation, went straight in and ordered his hearts desire. 
The splendid masala dosa arrived in a white plastic plate. He dipped it in the hot yellow sambar and straight to his mouth. A train swished past his platform he looked on to it casually. Through the gaps of the running train he saw a familiar figure in the next platform. "Is that her ?? How in the world can it be possible"? The train moved off , and he can see her face clearly now. "It is her". He saw her running all of a sudden, "might be running to catch a train, I need to talk to her". Ran out of the canteen jumped on to the tracks eyes fixed on her. Out of nowhere he saw a train approaching straight at him.

Oh god he thought while opening his eyes. As he came back to his senses he was sweating all over. He is in the hospital of IIT Guwahati due to fever and vomiting.

He looked out through the window it is raining heavily. He saw his lunch neatly kept on the desk. He know what it is, Masala dosa. His friend Noufi bought it for him. He saw Noufi quietly sleeping in sitting position close to the table.

I miss her he thought and all he felt was a reverberating silence. Like his life itself a mix of contrast.

Note : It is the first part of a jumbled novel revealing in the days to come in this blog. Happy reading.


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