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Fine; a short story

They were good friends. They used to chat on WhatsApp every day. But always a question remained in his mind. In what way should he be categorizing her? Friend, good friend, best friend? He never knew. In his mind he always wished to see her as his best friend.

One fine day he finds her messages to be extremely late, he was disturbed with the late replies. Upon asking about the late messages she gave him a reason that she had some college stuffs to deal with so she was bit busy and told him that she would reply him after the buzz is over. He finds the reason extremely satisfying so he began wait.

 After surfing through Facebook for an hour he came back and send her a smiley. In some time she responded and they started talking again. He was not getting that regular flow of messages that he used to get. Highly irritated by the action he decided to ask her again if she is ok? To his surprise she replied that she is having some problems. Curious and out his urge to cheer her up he asked her if she can tell him what’s the problem is. Her reply was sudden, “I am sorry”; He replied with a “fine”.
A ‘fine’ in human language is a very confusing word. Most of the time fine is used in places where not fine should have been used.

He was really disappointed with that reply. He heard a sorrow background score behind along with sounds of shattering glasses. He never imagined a rude and blunt reply like that from her. Drenched in a tragicomic form he took a decision, ‘No more’. He took his phone and read all his messages to her once more and did what he meant. Deleting those messages was an easy option for him to settle his nerves and to suppress his adrenaline surge.

He took his phone to his bed and lay down thinking about the whole scenario once more. He felt a slight feel of unrest on his chest, a small titch of pain. Suddenly he saw smoke in his room some shiny flash lights and a tall black man walked out from the smoke.

Normally in situations like this he would have trembled with fear, shouted for help but here he did not do anything like that. He felt calmness.

 He asked the intruder “Who are you? How did you get in?”
A thunderous sound came from his mouth “I am Yamdev my son, I am the god of death”
“So you are saying I am dead?”  Asked the boy.
“Well, son yes, what you experienced moments ago was a cardiac arrest and you are long gone.” Told Yamdev

“Isn’t it too soon sir? I am just 22” they boy was curious

“It’s not about your age. Your life is a journey to find a part of yourself, the other half of your soul. But unfortunately your other part was working as a diamond mine labour in South Africa and she met with an accident this morning and died.” replied Yamdev

“What? If she was my soulmate how could she die before meeting me?” he was puzzled

“A small clerical error and I took her life by chance and took her to Yamapuri, there is no turning back after you enter there. We were so late to understand our mistake. There has been so many problems in Yamapuri after the project Digital Yamapuri came into existence. Those babus on the desk are unable to cope with new techs”. Replied Yam

“How can you guys be so irresponsible?” his voice was bit sharp

“It was not my mistake, those guys on the desk are responsible for these sort of situation, any way you are of no use here anymore so you have to come with me” Yam was disturbed by boy’s questioning

Yam continued “you look sad boy, you had some last wish that you forgot to complete…? Oh I know you forget to say the usual good night and good bye that girl, right?...”

Boy looked embarrassed with what Yam just spoke. He felt really bad about what he did.” I should have told her an adios”; he thought.

Yam broke the silence “Look my son, she was terribly upset with her situations, you should have understood that, and also it’s not just your call to be her best friend she should also have that element in her mind. Sudden decisions costs you a lot sometime so be careful at least in you next life. Don’t take decisions in heist”.

”So what was her situation that you were talking about your highness?” enquired the boy.

“I can’t tell you that my son it’s your view of the story, by the way you are Mr Peter and this is 11 street 16B , right?; asked Yamdev

The boy was stunned “This is no 16B 11 street this is 16B 8 street”he replied

The boy woke stunned and drenched in sweat and then realized that it was all a dream. He took his phone and send her a good night


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