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Some Doubts about the Great Indian Hartal of September 2 ,2015

Some Doubts about the Great Indian Hartal of September 2 ,2015

Hartals are very common in India but nobody really cares to mind the demands of the hartals and the results that are gained from the protests. here i like to discuss and analyze some doubts regarding todays hartal.   

1)   Why do you want to stop vehicles for a trade union hartal it is not at all related to petrol or diesel price hike. So the real intension behind the hartal is to make the life of the common man messier, isn’t it?   

      Protests against inflations are no rare phenomenon in Indian politics but this time where can you find inflation? Inflation rates are at an all-time low these days good rains and better harvest last year which worked in tandem with low fuel price made this happen. Credits to our government’s economic policies and RBI interventions too. To sum up inflation in the country is a null set or even negative.

Some reports suggest the possibility of inflation in the coming years due to natural factors such as lack of rain. So is this hartal like a precaution for the coming years? Like “Prevention is better than cure” in case of inflation?

    Now let us take the case of FDI.

One of the biggest advantage of FDI is that it will increase the savings of Indian consumer as he will get good quality products at much cheaper rates. Consumer savings are likely to increase 5 to 10%.
Another advantage of FDI is that it will help a lot in improving the miserable condition of Indian farmers who are committing suicides on daily basis because of lesser return from their agricultural produce. But FDI will certain help a lot in improving their conditions as the farmers are going to get 10 to 30 %higher remuneration.

FDI is certainly going to increase the employment opportunities in India by providing around 3 to 4 million new jobs. Not only this, another 4 to 6 million jobs will be created in logistics, labour etc.

Government revenues are certainly going to increase a lot because of FDI. Government revenues will increase by 25 to 30 billion dollars which is a really big amount. This government revenue can help a lot in the development of Indian economy.

Although there are certain apprehensions about FDI in India but all these fears are unfounded. There is hardly any truth in the fact that it would destroy the small entrepreneurs in India rather it will be beneficial for both the consumers & farmers of India.

So in my point of view a hartal against FDI is actually a hartal against Indian people and national development. So Hartalites, are you planning to be anti-Indian?

If there is nothing important then why do you need this Hartal?

            The answer is simple you are not in power so you need to do something to irritate the government that’s all. Even at the cost of national development you want political gains.
These situations are not going to change anyway, there will be hartals in the future too without any real motives and we will continue to celebrate it like our national festival.

The picture and some data in this post is taken from internet.


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