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Just Friends? Not possible

Men and woman can never really exist as just a friend.Yes the idea that has been long discussed was recently proved to be right. A survey conducted by the Scientific American among 88 pairs proved that the male partner will experience a higher amount of attraction towards his partner.
The survey showed some really interesting results such as only 20% of females have an attraction more than friendship to her partner but all of the men surveyed developed a crush towards their partner in time.
What actually happens in these types of scenario is that 80% of men upon introducing the idea of love to their partner losses his partner. Sorry to tell the sad news but what you heard is right. His female partner interprets this as an act of fakery that she thinks he has been faking friendship from the beginning with this intention. Well 90% of girls are of this kind.
What actually is the problem here? Or who actually is the problem here? The problem is not with either of the participants. Human body is designed to function like this.
Three neurotransmitters are associated with the feeling of attraction they are adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin. These get secreted in the body of both males and females when they are in love. The problem with this is that the males have a relatively larger chance of these neurotransmitter production. That is, while in deep friendship with somebody males find them terribly attractive because of this neurotransmitter production. The attraction slowly make way to love and the males will start interpreting everything that is done by his friend as a sign of deep affection.
On the other hand, females are normal as there are no excess neurotransmitters in their body. She visualize her mate as a good friend until the other one proposes. And when there is a proposal the scene goes kabooom!!!
Only 10 percent females will try to understand the fact an in most cases they will choose their best friend as their life partner. Researches in these areas shows that best friend tend to lead the happiest life. As they were or are not lovers but great buddies.
So that’s it, it’s all about science. The fact is that love is not formed in your heart, that poor chap only know to pump blood. Love is a neurological phenomenon :p.
So ladies if you have problems with any gentleman due to the fact that he proposed you, then please note that it’s not his fault. It’s because of his genetical makeup. And gentlemen please keep in mind that all glitters are not gold so handle your situation with care.


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