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Showing posts from July, 2016

7. The Timer's Set

He stood there still. He knew who it was, he never bothered to turn. "So you are the Ram who travelled all the way for his Sita ?" asked the cold low tone to Aadi with his right hand on his shoulder. This was the first time he was meeting this man but Aadi knew who he was and he guessed what he want. He never had the strength to speak back. He was a lost man. "You have a pretty strong arm my son, something which went into that river usually never comes back. You are not so tough as I heard" said the man in a mocking cold tone. "What do you want?" replied Aadi finally. "The question is not what I want, the question is what you want",continued the stranger. Aadi gulped and spoke "Your daughter". John Varghese,a strong msn in his mid sixties, father to Poornima Varghese, he reached US way back in the 80s. Struggled hard to build what he has today. The only thing that he lost during this time was his Indian citizenship. Aadi never li

6. Unlike poles attract

"I am a good, god fearing christian" some thing that she used to stress a lot. That was true, she always held her beliefs close. She always had a clear idea what she was and what her limits were. Unlike Aadi who always tried to break limits she was more practical. Poornima, meant full moon. "She's the closest thing ever to a full moon" Aadi used to say. It was quite right. She was beautiful. 5'5 tall, average weight (may be a little more, but who cares), dark eyes, and had a very beautiful heart. Aadi remembers an incident where he asked Poornima about the number of children she wishes to have. "4, may be 4+2 with two adopted ones", she replied. Aadi couldn't stop his laughter "and how are you going to feed them dear" mocked Aadi. "When you have mouths to feed, you will find a way" her reply was stern and serious. That was Poornima, when she talk about life she meant business, she never took life lightly. May be that'

5. Bye Adi

Kempegowda International airport in Banglore is one of the busiest airports in South India. Majestic and beautiful like the city itself. Aadi slowly moved towards the check in counter for getting his boarding pass. He showed his tickets to the lady there, "Happy flight to Guwahati" said she and gave that orchestrated smile. You know how they smile. He reached Banglore from Kochi couple of hours back its a connection flight to Guwahati. Its his second trip to the city and he was all packed up to become an IITian. The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) are among the most difficult schools in the world to get into. The University of Oxford accepts one out of five applicants. IITs take in just one out of 50. So it is little wonder that for any Indian child with ambitions, getting into an IIT looks like the pinnacle of achievement. Aadi too dreamt of getting into an IIT. Its vibrance and diversity always attracted him, more than that he was attracted towards the public atti

4. Jesus Keshav Pillai

Aadi's father was one of his best friends he used to discuss everything with him. One day after coming back from college he asked him "What do you think of interfaith marriages"? "Well my boy, have you ever heard about Jesus Keshav Pillai" enquired dad. "What? Jesus-Keshav-Pillai? Aadi was confused. "Yes, Jesus Keshav Pillai" stressed his dad. "What"? Aadi felt the name so strange. Jesus and Keshav(Krishna) in a single name and with Pillai at the end. He knows Pillai and Nair are given to upper caste Hindus in Kerala. Watching Aadi's puzzled face, his father started narrating a story. ********************************* Lakshmi was sitting in the verandah of her big thatched house. "Hey look who is here", shouted jubilant Lakshmi. She saw her brother Raman walking past the gates of their house. She ran and hugged her brother. "Oppole, How are you ?" asked Raman in an moderately sad tone. Lakshmi looked into hi

3. How deep is river Chicago?

The Chicago River is a system of rivers and canals with a combined length of 156 miles (251 km) that runs through the city of Chicago , including its center, the Chicago Loop. Though not especially long, the river is notable for being a reason why Chicago became an important location. Aadi stood watching the waters of the river, it's nothing like the Brahmaputra in Assam. The smashing, turbulent waters of Brahmaputra always generated a sense of fear in him. Chicago river though was nothing like that, calm and quiet just like his mind now. Winter was slowly creeping in, not snowy but evenings were getting colder. Being a civil servant in the Indian Foreign Service he had to take some special permissions to fly here. The cold wind continued to blow. He would have never even imagined standing there if it was some other day but this day nothing seemed to bother him, he was lost, his world seemed irrelevant. He was holding a small black box. The velvet coating over the box gave it a