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5. Bye Adi

Kempegowda International airport in Banglore is one of the busiest airports in South India. Majestic and beautiful like the city itself. Aadi slowly moved towards the check in counter for getting his boarding pass. He showed his tickets to the lady there, "Happy flight to Guwahati" said she and gave that orchestrated smile. You know how they smile.

He reached Banglore from Kochi couple of hours back its a connection flight to Guwahati. Its his second trip to the city and he was all packed up to become an IITian.

The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) are among the most difficult schools in the world to get into. The University of Oxford accepts one out of five applicants. IITs take in just one out of 50. So it is little wonder that for any Indian child with ambitions, getting into an IIT looks like the pinnacle of achievement.
Aadi too dreamt of getting into an IIT. Its vibrance and diversity always attracted him, more than that he was attracted towards the public attitude towards IITians.

The airbus 320 aircraft roared loud and muscled forward for take off. The flight had an interior painted in indigo and white . Aadi had his body there in that flight but his mind was elsewhere. It was the first time he was leaving his family. He was home sick even before he's in his campus. He missed his brother, Aaryan, his father and most importantly his mother. Aadi thought his mother would cry when he leaves but instead she said  "Aadi, when god gives you a wing you should fly".

His mind slowly drifted to another occasion where he experienced something close to what he feels now.

The school buzzed with excitement as it was the final day of that academic year. Summer ! Everyone was eager to get home. Little Aadi was busy with something else he was writing a poem, he made sure not a single one of his friend see him write. He just wanted her to read it. Poornima was there in the class, beautiful as always in her Navy Blue Uniform. The bell rang and every single one started swiftly packing there bag. Aadi went to her with one arm in his pocket which carried his poem.
"Bye Aadi" she said. He stood there frozen can't move, can't speak. Watching Aadi's frozen look she ran out giggling. Aadi came back to his senses after few seconds. Its normal for 13 year olds to act like that when he was about to propose for the first time, right?

Aadi ran behind her to give her his gift. As he reached the girls hostel he saw her with her uncle. They were leaving. She had her bag packed. He was afraid to proceed now. He waited there and watched them go. He regretted for what he did and decided to wait for school reopening.

Note: The poem he wrote will be posted later as an appendix. This is the fifth piece of a jumbled novel. Happy reading.


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