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4. Jesus Keshav Pillai

Aadi's father was one of his best friends he used to discuss everything with him. One day after coming back from college he asked him "What do you think of interfaith marriages"?

"Well my boy, have you ever heard about Jesus Keshav Pillai" enquired dad.

"What? Jesus-Keshav-Pillai? Aadi was confused.

"Yes, Jesus Keshav Pillai" stressed his dad. "What"? Aadi felt the name so strange. Jesus and Keshav(Krishna) in a single name and with Pillai at the end. He knows Pillai and Nair are given to upper caste Hindus in Kerala. Watching Aadi's puzzled face, his father started narrating a story.


Lakshmi was sitting in the verandah of her big thatched house. "Hey look who is here", shouted jubilant Lakshmi. She saw her brother Raman walking past the gates of their house. She ran and hugged her brother. "Oppole, How are you ?" asked Raman in an moderately sad tone. Lakshmi looked into his eyes, he is sad, she thought surprisingly.
"Its been long since you are home, how's your painting class? Your student, is she any good?" asked Lakshmi exited. Its was after so many months that she was seeing her brother. Raman was an excellent painter, he was the painting teacher of Admiral Clive Richard's daughter. Clive Richard was the administer for that province. India was under British Colonial rule.

"Oppole, I came to discuss something very important things" he told. His voice seemed strange to Lakshmi. "Where is our uncle"? Raman asked. "He is in here" replied Lakshmi in a soft low tone. As they spoke their uncle, Keshav Nair came out. Mr Keshav Nair was the brother of their mother, after the death of their mother Keshav Nair was looking after all their properties and stuffs. He acted as if he was the land lord.

"Ah! Look who is here? The painter! What brings you home vagabond?" asked Keshav Nair in a mocking tone.

Raman never liked talking with his uncle. He has always been rude to him, but today he must. "Uncle, I came here to tell you that I love somebody, her name is Elina Richard daughter of Clive Richard.

"Oh, you want to marry Sayip's daughter, a Christian ? and how are you planning to gain Sayip's permission for this?" Uncle spoke in a harsh cold rough tone.

"Sayip has promised me he will allow our marriage if I learn Holy Bible and pledge my faith to the holy cross and become a christian. I did exactly that Uncle, I am a christian now. I am not Raman Keshav Pillai anymore I am Jesus Keshav Pillai". replied Raman

Keshav Nair barked at his nephew "Don't even dare to bring that British slut to this house, I'll kill both of you".

"Mind your words uncle, she is going to be my wife" shouted Raman back.

Uncle took a long bamboo stick kept on the verandah which is used to train elephants in his right hand and swung it against Raman. The stick smashed on his neck and he fell down tasting soil.

Raman stood up, turned back and moved towards his sister placed a kiss on her forehead and walked away. Lakshmi meanwhile stood stunned watching all these events. She was not even normal enough to cry.

The following day Raman reached the city to meet the love of his life and to marry her but what in store for him was terrible. Clive Richard and his daughter went back to England while he went to study Bible. Richard was replaced by another British Officer.

Raman immersed in deep sorrow went back to his home and what he saw there was even more painful. The pindom ceremony was being carried out, it was the crematory ceremony that is performed when someone dies. This pindom ceremony was in his name. His uncle arranged it as to show the family considers him dead and now they has no connection with him. He saw his sister crying uncontrollably. It was something that he can't handle.


"So what happened to him dad", asked Aadi.
"He taught painting in some school and never got married. He thought someday Elina will comeback. But she never came." replied his dad.

"So dad, can I have an interfaith marriage?", asked Aadi

Dad replied,"Aadi, I taught you to be a human first and then Hindu and a nair at last, find a human to marry not a Hindu or a Nair".

Aadi had a bright big smile on his face,"By the way dad, how is Jesus Keshav Pillai connected to us"

"The name of your great grandmother is Lakshmi" dad replied softly.

Aadi heard his mobile vibrate, it was a text from Poornima. 'Aadi you know I like you very much but I don't think its going to be like you think. I am christian and you are hindu. Poornima Varughese can't marry Aadi Nair.'

He smiled and started typing back his reply.

Note: Oppole and Sayip are two old generation malayalam words which were used back in colonial days. Oppole means sister and Sayip means foreigner.
This is the fourth piece of a jumbled novel series. Read all the pieces. Happy reading.


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