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Showing posts from 2015

The Ram ,We Never Understands

What is the most melancholic sequence from Ramayana? There would actually be no one opposing an answer that it is the time when Ram decides to leave Sita with Guru Valmiki in the forest. This is the most controversial twist in the story of Ram. He is considered as the Maryada Purushotham and yet he behaved like this. There has always been some detonating debates on this topic and still they are going on. Most people believe that Ram violated the sacred vow that every groom takes while marrying his bride, that he shall protect her with heart and soul till he takes in his last breath. We know who Ram was, we know how he sacredly he dealt with promises. He even went to the Jungle to save his father’s words, he battled with the world’s largest army and world’s strongest king to win back his wife. Yet after living all his life as a perfect gentleman he leaves his pregnant wife in the forest. This final act made the most loved Indian prince an unwelcome person. ‘The unwelcomene

Fine; a short story

They were good friends. They used to chat on WhatsApp every day. But always a question remained in his mind. In what way should he be  categorizing  her? Friend, good friend, best friend? He never knew. In his mind he always wished to see her as his best friend. One fine day he finds her messages to be extremely late, he was disturbed with the late replies. Upon asking about the late messages she gave him a reason that she had some college stuffs to deal with so she was bit busy and told him that she would reply him after the buzz is over. He finds the reason extremely satisfying so he began wait.  After surfing through Facebook for an hour he came back and send her a smiley. In some time she responded and they started talking again. He was not getting that regular flow of messages that he used to get. Highly irritated by the action he decided to ask her again if she is ok? To his surprise she replied that she is having some problems. Curious and out his urge to cheer her u

Just Friends? Not possible

Men and woman can never really exist as just a friend.Yes the idea that has been long discussed was recently proved to be right. A survey conducted by the Scientific American among 88 pairs proved that the male partner will experience a higher amount of attraction towards his partner. The survey showed some really interesting results such as only 20% of females have an attraction more than friendship to her partner but all of the men surveyed developed a crush towards their partner in time. What actually happens in these types of scenario is that 80% of men upon introducing the idea of love to their partner losses his partner. Sorry to tell the sad news but what you heard is right. His female partner interprets this as an act of fakery that she thinks he has been faking friendship from the beginning with this intention. Well 90% of girls are of this kind. What actually is the problem here? Or who actually is the problem here? The problem is not with either of the participants.

Some Doubts about the Great Indian Hartal of September 2 ,2015

Some Doubts about the Great Indian Hartal of September 2 ,2015 Hartals are very common in India but nobody really cares to mind the demands of the hartals and the results that are gained from the protests. here i like to discuss and analyze some doubts regarding todays hartal.    1)   Why do you want to stop vehicles for a trade union hartal it is not at all related to petrol or diesel price hike. So the real intension behind the hartal is to make the life of the common man messier, isn’t it?          Protests against inflations are no rare phenomenon in Indian politics but this time where can you find inflation? Inflation rates are at an all-time low these days good rains and better harvest last year which worked in tandem with low fuel price made this happen. Credits to our government’s economic policies and RBI interventions too. To sum up inflation in the country is a null set or even negative. Some reports suggest the possibility of inflation in the c